Downeast Medal Finals Rules
General Requirements for All Medal Classes
There is no affiliation fee or membership requirement to compete in Downeast Medal Finals classes.
QUALIFYING POINTS: To qualify for the Downeast Medal Finals, a contestant must accumulate 8 or more points in his or her respective division. Points are awarded as follows:
1st – 8 points
2nd – 6 points
3rd – 4 points
4th – 3 points
5th – 2 points
6th – 1 point
Medal classes must have 3 entries complete the course in order for points to count toward the finals. More than one rider may compete on the same horse over fences in qualifying classes. Shows holding Downeast Medal Finals qualifying classes may combine Downeast classes of the same height only if there are not enough riders to fill the divisions separately. Classes that may be combined include: short stirrup with long stirrup, modified junior with modified adult, and adult with junior medal. No other classes may be combined.
Once a rider has qualified for the finals, that rider is still allowed to compete in the remaining Medal classes of the season. Contestants will be notified by mail and on the website when they have qualified for the finals.
Except for the Adult Medal and Junior Medal, the winner of each division at the finals is no longer eligible to compete in that division in subsequent years with the exception of filling a qualifying class. However, that rider is eligible to compete in other divisions, if otherwise qualified.
If a rider, or a trainer on a rider’s behalf, feels that a division adjustment is warranted, they may petition the management of DMF for a division adjustment. All decisions by management will be final.
Riders can check their current point standings on the Downeast Medal Finals website.
Horse show secretaries: Please provide complete show results along with the full address for each rider using the Results Reporting Form. Please inform us if the classes did not run or the show was cancelled. Please indicate if any classes were combined and designate which riders were for which class. All results must be received within 2 weeks of the show date. If the points are not received within this time frame, the points will not count. This will be reflected on the points page. Thank you for your cooperation!
Downeast Medal Finals reserves the right to amend rules at any time.
Downeast Medal Finals Rules
Braiding required for derbies and medal classes only.
There will be NO camping on the fence line near the indoor arena.
Bicycle riding by anyone under age 18 is limited to the area between stabling and the camp sites, and in the sheep barn.
Bikes must be walked anywhere else.
1. Every class offered herein which is covered by the rules and specification of the current NEHC Rule Book will be conducted and judged in accordance therewith.
2. Exhibitors must be in proper riding attire and wear protective headgear.
3. Hunter classes to be judged on soundness and performance. Any additional specification will be noted. Trophy and eight ribbons awarded in every class, unless otherwise noted.
4. Hunter courses include: gates, brush, walls, oxers, in and out, coops rails or any combination there of.
5. Stabling available on a first come, first serve basis stalls provided under permanent roof.
6. If jumping orders are to be used, the numbers will be drawn individually starting with the first position then working down. Late adds put at top of order. Orders will be announced and posted one hour before the class. A dotted line may be instituted to limit the size of opening circles if entries require.
7. The Management reserves the right to cancel, combine, split, change, or limit the number of entries to any class. Post entries will be accepted if time allows.
8. Every animal entered for competition or on the show grounds shall be under the control of the horse show committee. Downeast Medal Finals and/or its employees shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage to any animal, person or property, which may occur for any reason during the show and it shall be a condition of entry that each exhibitor hold Downeast Medal Finals, its owners, agents,
employees, and the NEHC blameless for any accident or loss which may occur.
9. A fine of $50.00 plus collection fees will be assessed for all non-negotiable checks. Foreign competitors are required to pay in US funds to avoid discount charges.
10. According to Fairground rules: ALL DOGS MUST BE ON A LEASH. Please, no barking, growling, playing, or otherwise misbehaving dogs near the ring. If a dog is found loose wandering around the grounds, we will collect a $100 donation to the scholarship fund.
11. Twelve ribbons will be awarded in Medal Final Classes, twelve in the derbies and eight ribbons in all other classes.
12. A rider may not enter any class until an entry blank has been completed, signed, fees paid, and number assigned. The Management reserves the right to decline any entry and return any entry fees prior to the start of the show without being held liable for compensation.
13. Positively no refunds without a medical doctor or veterinarian certificate. All scratches forfeit cost of stall.
14. Warm-ups will be supervised. No more than five horses at a time or at the discretion of the warm up supervisor.
15. Derbies will be run as follows: Four riders with highest scores will be invited back for a second course. Prize money for show credit at this show. All prize money credited on entry blank.
16. THIRTY days after the date of the horse show, management of the Downeast Medal Finals responsibility for prize money and refunds ceases.
17. No smoking in the barn area.
18. In the event of a tie in a hunter division, the second round higher placing will break the tie. In a tie in a division with an equitation class, the higher placing rider on the card will decide.
19. All over fences classes will be numerically scored by judges.
20. Once a competitor has won a medal final, they may not compete in that medal final again, with the exception of the Adult and Junior Medal Finals. The winner of each division at the finals is no longer eligible to compete in that division in subsequent years with the exception of filling a qualifying class. However, that rider is eligible to compete in other divisions, if otherwise qualified.
21. A mandatory one-time night watch fee of $25 per horse will be added to your show bill. This fee cannot be disputed.
22. Horses are limited to competing in a maximum of 8 classes a day, or at management/steward’s discretion.
23. All adult equitation riders must be amateurs as that term is defined in the current NEHC Rulebook. Riders must have available for inspection, proof of amateur status from MHA, NHHJA, NEHC, USEF or any recognized breed organization.
24. Shows holding Downeast Medal Finals qualifying classes may combine Downeast classes of the same height only if there are not enough riders to fill the divisions separately. Classes that may be combined include: short stirrup with long stirrup, modified junior with modified adult, adult with junior medal. No other classes may be combined.
25. All shows holding Downeast Medal Finals qualifying classes must submit results form within two weeks after the show date, regardless if the show was canceled or classes did not run.
26. Shows wanting to host Downeast Medal Finals qualifying classes must be accepted by DMF before they can be announced or advertised as offering DMF classes.
27. If a rider, or a trainer on a rider’s behalf, feels that a division adjustment is warranted, they may petition the management of DMF for a division adjustment. All decisions by management will be final.
28. One person per horse per division.
29. Downeast Medal Finals reserves the right to amend rules at any time.
All questions not covered in these rules and regulations shall be decided by the show management whose decision shall be final.
Every horse entered for competition will comply with the rules of the horse show management, but management will, in no case, be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur, and it shall be condition of entry that each exhibitor shall hold this horse show and the officials and employees of the show blameless for any loss or accident to his horse, employees, equipment, which may occur from sickness, fire or otherwise. The management reserves the right to refuse, accept conditionally, or to cancel any entries, disqualify any riders or exhibitors, prohibit entries and cancel award prizes without claims for damages; to cancel or combine unfilled classes, or to reschedule classes after due notice to exhibitors; to change rings or rotate judges. Exhibitors are notified that any act of discourtesy or disobedience to the judges or officials, on the part of the owner, manager, rider, or groom shall disqualify the horse, and the owner shall forfeit his entry fee and other fees. Show management reserves to itself the power to prohibit any person from attending or showing a horse in the ring and to remove any groom or horse from the show without being liable for compensation.
In accordance with the 1989 Federal Waste Tracking Act, which restricts the disposal of medical waste, bio-hazardous medical waste containers will be provided in the stable area. All exhibitors and their agents are responsible for the proper disposal of this waste. No person will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging except the exhibitor and those having official or requested duties to perform. It is the tradition of the show that riders be correctly attired for the class in question, that attendants be neatly dressed and the horses properly presented. Management may in its discretion bar any person from entering the ring if not suitably presented to appear before an audience. Minors who do not have a valid driver’s license which allows them to operate a motorized vehicle in the state in
which they reside will not be permitted to operate a motorized vehicle of any kind including, but not limited to, golf carts, motorcycles, scooters, or farm utility vehicles on the competition grounds of licensed competitions. Minors who have a valid temporary license may operate the above described motorized vehicles as long as they are accompanied by an adult with a valid driver’s license. Violations of this rule will be cause for sanctions against the parent(s), guardian(s) and/or trainer(s) who are responsible for the child committing the offense. Penalties may include exclusion of the child, parent(s), guardian(s), and/or trainer(s) from the competition grounds for the remainder of the competition and charges being filed against any of the above individuals in accordance with Rule 6. Wheelchairs and other mobility assistance devices for individuals with disabilities are exempt from this rule. Every entry at a recognized show shall constitute an agreement and affirmation that the person making it, along with the owner, lessee, trainer, manager, agent, coach, driver, rider, and the horse: (1) shall be subject to the Constitution and rules of the Association and the local rules of the show; (2) that every horse, rider, and/or driver is eligible as entered;(3) that the owner and any of his representatives are bound by the Constitution and Rules of the NEHC and the show will accept as final the decision of the hearing committee on any question arising under said rules and agree to hold the show, the NEHC, their officials, directors and employees harmless for any action taken; (4) that the owner, rider/driver and any of their agents or representatives agree to hold the NEHC, the show, and their officials, directors, employees and agents harmless for any injury or loss suffered during or in connection with the show, whether or not such injury or loss resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligent acts or omissions of said officials, directors, employees or agents of the NEHC or show. Management reserves the right to decline or refuse any entry without being liable for compensation, and eliminate from further competition any exhibitor or horse should the best interest of the show be served. Every exhibitor or his agent and trainer must sign an entry blank. In the event of his failure to do so, his first entrance into the ring as an exhibitor shall be construed as his acceptance of the rules of the show involved and of the NEHC and shall ipso facto render him subject to said rules.